Estate of Johnson: Sufficient evidence supported jury finding of undue influence TXPL, Will contestsMichael YoungDecember 17, 2010
"Material misrepresentation" as the basis for rescinding life insurance coverage Life insurance, TXPL, Will and trust litigat...Michael YoungDecember 6, 2010
Can a change of life insurance beneficiary designation be challenged? Fiduciary duty, Life insurance, TXPL, Will and trust litigat...Michael YoungMarch 13, 2010
Inheritance disputes on the rise TXPL, Will and trust litigat..., Will contestsMichael YoungFebruary 5, 2010
A testator may possess capacity, but still be subject to undue influence TXPLMichael YoungJanuary 31, 2010
Widow of intoxicated driver denied life insurance benefits Life insurance, TXPLMichael YoungDecember 27, 2009