We fight for your inheritance


Why you need an estate litigation lawyer

The simple answer: to protect your interests.

Unlike other law firms that handle estate planning or uncontested probate matters, our focus is on contested estates. We have extensive experience in representing clients in high-stakes, complex legal battles over inheritances, wills, trusts, deeds, and other estate-related disputes.

If you are facing a Texas contested estate or probate matter, don't hesitate to contact us today. We offer a free consultation to discuss your case and provide you with the guidance you need to make informed decisions about your legal options. Let us put our expertise and experience to work for you.


Estate Litigation Explained


Estate disputes are different than estate planning


Many lawyers draft wills. Many lawyers probate wills. Yet most estate planning attorneys never engage in litigation of any kind.

Estate litigation, probate litigation, and inheritance disputes require a very different set of skills from estate planning and document drafting.


Estate disputes can take many different forms


Common disputes include:

Disputes may also involve the validity of a deed or non-probate assets like life insurance or account designations.


You need an estate litigator, not an estate planner


Whatever the form, you need an attorney who is a probate litigator, who knows the law, and is willing to fight to protect your inheritance. We take pride communicating with clients and developing a plan. Sometimes that means fighting in court. Sometimes it is enough for the other side to know you have hired us to protect your interests.

When your case is facing possible litigation you need someone with probate litigation experience.



Designation Disputes


Fiduciary & Executor

Our fees are built to suit your needs

  • We work with clients on fee arrangements based on what they want and the nature of the case.

  • We may accept cases on a contingency fee basis, which means that we will only be compensated for our time and effort if we are successful in a recovery.

  • We also sometimes offer alternative fee arrangements, which may involve a combination of a reduced hourly fee and a reduced contingent fee.


While we handle estate disputes across Texas, we’re proud to focus on these North Texas counties:

Michael’s kindness, knowledge, and understanding of my situation left me feeling valued and very happy regarding the outcome of my case. I will forever be grateful to him as he was there for me when it felt like I had no one.
— Carrie W., Collin County

Call us Today
(800) 323-1857

To learn how we can help protect

your inheritance.

Texas Probate Litigation is a proud member of Wynne, Smith & Young PLLC
